
Dear Colleagues,

      On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to take part in the “6th International Conference on Molecular Electronic Structure, (MES)”  which will be held on September 02-06, 2022 in the ISIMM | Institut Supérieur d'informatique et de Mathématiques de Monastir, Tunisia.

MES2022 intends to be a global forum for researchers to present and discuss novel methodologies for Molecular Electronic Structure and recent innovations and new techniques in Modeling and Simulation of Low-dimensional systems.


- The Molecular Electronic Structure (MES) conference attracts about 100 scientists from all over the globe who work in the field of molecular electronic structure and related areas, as well as the supporting mathematics (e.g., molecular integration and basis functions). The conference will run over four days in Monastir city (Tunisia), and will comprise invited and contributed talks, as well as a poster session.

- After the inaugural workshop at Canakkale, Turkey (2012), previous MES symposia were held in Amasya, Turkey(2014);  Buenos Aires, Argentina (2016); Metz, France (2018) and Warsaw, Poland (2020).

- During this MES 2022 edition, two sessions will be held in parallel: :

Symposium -1

In this symposium, the focus is on Novel methodologies for Molecular Electronic Structure, including: Explicit correlation, Density matrix theory (RDM), Stochastic approaches (Quantum Monte Carlo) and Quantum chemistry beyond Gaussians.

Invited papers will be considered for publication in an associated volume of Advances in Quantum Chemistry.

Symposium -2

In this symposium, the focus is on the Modeling and simulation of Low-dimensional systems, the thematics cover all major fields of theoretical and computational physics from method development to state-of-the-art applications, including: Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum and statistical physics, Thin Films and Nanostructures for Electronics, Crystalline solids and microstructure, Self-assembly and patterning, Photonic materials and devices, Materials for energy and environment, Electronic materials and devices, Magnetic materials and related devices, Sensing materials, Organic materials and composites for optoelectronics & photonics, Molecular materials for conversion and energy storage, Biomaterials and Healthcare applications.


Conference e-mail:


M-Ajmi HAJ-HAMMOUDA   / Tel :  (+216) 93940477

Prof. Moncef SAID            / Tel :  (+216) 98951535

Prof.  Fredj HASSEN        /  Tel :  (+216) 98504216

Address: Faculté des Sciences de Monastir (FSM), 5000 Monastir, Tunisia

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