Abstract submission

The Scientific Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for selection and inclusion in the Scientific Programme.
1- Dates: 
- Abstract Open, Monday 02 Mai 2022 ; 
- Abstract Submission Deadline : Friday 01 Jully 2022

- Extended Abstract Submission : Saturday 30 Jully 2022

Please submit abstracts on-line, using the template provided, as indicated below.
2- Templates:
The template is provided via the links below. The Abstract should be limitted to 1 page in pdf/docx format.


Abstract template-mes2022.docx

3- How to Pre-Register and submit your Abstract ?

- step1: Open an account on the website:  https://doc.sciencesconf.org/ 

 On entering the abstract submission, you will need to create a new account. You will then receive an acknowledgment email confirming receipt.

For more informations, follow the User Guide at: https://doc.sciencesconf.org/en/submit/

- step2: go to the website of mes2022 (https://mes2022.sciencesconf.org) and

enter with you name and login, then go to the My space > My submissions menu and click on “Submit a summary”.

 - step3:  

- Register online (My space > My registration menu), then make the payment of your fees by Bank transfert (account name and number in the "Registration" menue) or by "Bon de commande" for Tunisian particiupants and then send a copy of your fees-transfert to the Organiser by email (ajmi.hammouda@fsm.rnu.tn). You'll then receive an email confirmation of your Registration.
- If you are interested to the accommodation option proposed by the congress (40 euros/night), just inform the organiser by email, specifying your arrival and departure dates and a room will be reserved for you. The accommodation costs may be done on site at your arrival day directly to the hotel by cash or by credit card.


 4- Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author by the 01 Jully 2022. If you have not received information concerning the abstract by that date, please contact: ajmi.hammouda@fsm.rnu.tn
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